06.02.2011 this week

Just a few random photos to sum up my week this week. It's been a week of massive changes as I start a new job on Monday which I am very excited about, and I also received the final prototypes of jewellery designs I have been working on!

My big love of this week is "Barry M nail art paint" a magical invention that cracks and splits on your nails making amazing patterns (don't ask me how this happens-I have a feeling it maybe magic!!) I have been choosing to wear it with white recently as this is my current favourite combination. Its an amazingly cheap and quick alternative to getting your nails done professionally. Also this week I picked up a classic Summer cream Blazer from H&M ....which I have a feeling won't be leaving my back all season and was a major bargain!

I Hope you've all had a lovely week too, wish me luck in my new job!

(Jewellery all by me)