Dog rises from the ashes......
A dog owner from Essex has had her beloved dog Deefer, a Collie cross Labrador, made into a blue diamond, at a cost of £3,500. Photographic agent Charlotte Bassett decided to have the keepsake made from his ashes by Phoenix Diamonds, a company that specialises in creating diamonds from the carbon content of ashes and hair.[That's us!!!] When Phoenix Diamonds CEO Mike Kelly delivered the diamond he said he was sorry that she had lost her 'husband' at such a young age. She replied 'It wasn't my husband's ashes, it was my dog Deefer, as in 'D' for 'Dog'. The dog, which died aged 14 and a half, was a much loved part of Bassett's family. "He was constantly by my side and was a peacemaker, pushing my children apart, to prevent a fight," she said. After placing the order, Charlotte waited three months for the gem to arrive and now plans to have the gem mounted on a pendant. For her upcoming wedding the blue coloured stone will provide the colour for the wedding tradition of 'something borrowed, something blue.' "The jeweller at Hatton Gardens, who is mounting the gem, was stunned that the diamond started out as dog!" she said.Story from 'Your Dog Magazine'©
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