if you are a fashion addict and like to check out my blog please let me get to know you better and answer these questions and e-mail me your answers to glamrockgal@gmail.com
Thank you!
1. Describe your style
2. Age Category
3. Male/Female
4. What is the price range you will spend for new designer labels(whichever's applicable for guys/girls)
-tee shirts
-singlets/ribbed tees
5. Favourite hang out places
6. Favourite music/artistes/hollywood fashion icons (actresses/actors)
7. What magazines/journals do u read, how often is that?
-do u pick up free newsletters/magazines(eg.Fashion journal)/catalogues eg. m-one-11/industrie in stores?
8. What are your fave brand(s) and why
9. list your hobbies
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